I was a quiet and happy child who listened more than I spoke and absorbed everything about the world around me like a sponge. Especially from my larger than life mother who’d engage crowds with her dance moves, loud melodic voice and leadership skills. You could see me dance and twirl around the garden as I pictured myself as a grown-up. I’d stand on the tallest rock speaking, teaching and acting to the huge audience before me, all be it the birds and the bees.

It seemed natural when in middle school to voice my opinion as I’d step up the on ledges to do so. The large high school environment in my second language was more challenging and I retreated to being the listener, coach and observer. Not at church though, where I would teach and speak candidly.

Speaking and teaching followed me naturally into adulthood as that picture of who I pretended to be when little. I always held the vision before me. No wonder that when life meandered this way and that, I always gravitated to this role. Corporate Trainer, Speaker and Life Coach.

Dr. Dave Krueger, MD. states that ‘You do not attract what you want; you create what you focus on’. He states in his instruction manual , Outsmart Your Brain, that familiar experiences travel along well-established neuronal connections. A neural network contains the information of a particular way of relating, a habitual pattern of response based on past experience. Reactions become automatic, so we don’t have to make new decisions in each situation. They’re called habits.

Over the course of years, I learned all I could about speaking, teaching and coaching. Unwittingly I saw and stepped into opportunities to do so. The habit I formed through constant visualization of speaking and making a difference in the world became a path of action. So much so that I am about to venture into the first phase of my childhood dreams. My biggest event yet, Teatime Stories of Savannah, May 12 at The Westin Harbor Place Resort & Spa, Savannah, GA. It will be a life changing experience for those that attend. And this is just the start of many more such events globally.

Our minds light up, become creative and form goals around the things we focus on. We start making choices to bring them into reality.

What are you focusing on?

What dream do you hold before you constantly?

Do you see the obstacles without solutions, or do you find solutions and focus on the outcome?

Please connect and post you thoughts, dreams and comments.

Read more about Dr. Dave Krueger here and view his books, workbooks here.


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