Emra Smith, from the International School of Story, walks daily for HOPE! As she walks she spreads HOPE through coaching calls, giving out HOPE Dolls, smiles, warmth and encouraging words. God’s love pours through her for others and she believes that positive actions help facilitate personal and community change.
Welcome to discovering the answer to many things in your story! This leading website and newsletter is here for you to be inspired to live more, be more, love more and move forward in God’s purpose through 5 life changing challenges and through inspiring stories.
Our mission is to inspire and challenge you and to give you the tools to lead a happy, healthy, wealthy, and more balanced lifestyle. To create a community where millions of women (and some amazing men) from all over the world come together in support and celebration of what God has done in our lives.
You impact what our world will look like in the future. Your influence fosters growth or decline in the workplace, your business, home, church and society. We all need support and accountability and gain inspiration and courage through each others’ stories.
Please join us and be both inspired and challenged to live life to the fullest each day in purpose, achieving the great things that God has designed for each of us.
“I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full” – Jesus (John 10:10)
A Heart for Humanity
My husband’s request as to where I’d like to hang the heart-art he gave me was once again answered, “I’m not sure yet”. Fact is I don’t like hearts on the wall, on clothes, anywhere. The only hearts that make sense to me are the Lord’s quiet whispers, “Go love them...
Whatever, However, Forever
This is it. I’ve found my “forever”. I remember beaming with delight at the sight of that oven baked clay kitchen set. The mottled-orange shade of pottery was as vibrant as my future ahead. This was more than just a beautifully crafted work of art. It was molded to...
Thankful yet Filled with Anticipation
Can you be thankful yet filled with anticipation? Is thankfulness not equal to contentment? A place of peace? Is anticipation not quite the opposite, where your tummy has butterflies and you sit on the edge of your seat waiting? YES you can and I AM – filled with...
Are we all Called to Serve?
Are we all called to serve? Perhaps we need to look at the word serve to begin with. Dictionary.com says it means, “To act as a servant, to be of use.” Some synonyms – “deliver, give, provide, assist, attend to, be assistance of, care for, minister to, wait on, work...
Are You a Consistent Blogger?
Are you a consistent blogger? Do you procrastinate or get tired of posting your blogs weekly, or even monthly? I sure do procrastinate and skip weeks and sometimes even months of blogging. Not that I get tired of writing posts, that's the odd thing. So I've had to...
Am I Crazy Walking for HOPE?
“Am I crazy walking for HOPE?” I ask myself this question over and over again. I get scared. Scared of the unknown route ahead. Afraid that I won’t have the expenses covered. Nervous about how being away impacts my husband, by my not earning an income during this...
Seventeen women share their stories to show that there is always HOPE.
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