Momentum Coaching with Emra Smith
Because our Stories Matter
Listen to Juliet who is part of the Momentum community/team/family:
I knew I had a story brewing inside of me. I just couldn’t find the courage or the motivation to bring it out. That’s when Emra appeared in my life with an offer I could not refuse. Through her patient, persistent coaching, I began to unravel the tangled web of my journey with God and to have a clear direction for my purpose, calling, and ministry through writing and speaking. Emra gave me the tools and the accountability I needed to begin the process of organizing my thoughts and staying focused on the goals we set together.
Each time I receive positive feedback from a reader of my first book, Same Dress, Different Day: A Spiritual Memoir of Addiction and Redemption, I am thankful for Emra, and her ability to coach me through the beginning stages of my work of ministering to families affected by addiction. Everyone needs accountability and motivation. If you have an untapped purpose, calling or story inside of you, I am certain God can use Emra’s unique spiritual gifts to help you discover it. She’s professional, affordable, and inspirational: worth every cent, and more.
Here’s what you’ll gain:
1) One monthly 45 minute group call or webinar where I will teach, along with my guest experts, on various aspects of the program.
2) One monthly 15 minute Laser coaching call as needed.
3) Join a closed Facebook group for community support, questions, and sharing.
4) Email, text support as needed.
5) Prayer partnering.
6) Discounted price for my Into His Story Retreat.
God CAN accomplish great things through you!
How do I join the Momentum?
There is a monthly commitment of $25.00 which you are free to cancel at any time.
Are you ready to find your Momentum? I can’t wait to begin this journey with you!
Momentum Coaching $25/month
Tea Doll Project – $14.99
Coaching & Project $34.99

The HOPE Doll Project
The project started from a deep sadness and hopeless feeling in my heart when reading story after story about the plight of the Syrian Refugees. STories about babies born on over crowed dinghy’s, children falling overboard and washing up on beaches, women being raped, fear enshrouding families and a desperate loneliness and sense of loss. People who fled for their lives, leaving literally everything behind. As an immigrant I know these emotions, except that of running from death. In agony I called out to God, “How can I help?”
After days, I woke up one morning remembering a time that I said to The Lord that I do not want to work with the brokenhearted. I saw how He changed my heart. My heart was engulfed in tenderness not just for the refugees, but for those that hurt for a myriad of reasons, in my city, my country, my homeland – all over the globe. What can one woman do for a world in pain? Then the picture of the HOPE Tea Doll danced in my thoughts. Joy flooded my soul and immediately I drew her, found tucked-away fabric, sewed, wrote the note, added the tea and there she lay! A soft little ray of comfort to hold close to a heart with the calming fragrance of lavender and a message of HOPE and encouragement. Bringing a splash of HOPE when needed most.
The next day as I looked at her with the how-it-all-works plan configuring in my head , I thought, “How silly. Really now!” Doubts, fears and embarrassment declared this foolishness. I ran to Jesus. He simply said: “It’s not silly. You know I use who you are and the details of your story to share my love and HOPE in dark places”. Yes, tea is so much part of my story . . . asking women to set aside the hurried cup of coffee for the quiet, languid sipping of tea. Catching and sharing stories in my genes. (My mom wrote children’s stories for the radio in South Africa). Giving gifts my love language and making them by hand a passion. So yes, it’s what I have to offer. I would do it no matter how odd or difficult the task. It was obvious – this was not my grand idea, it was His – our creative God. So in obedience to His leading, the project began.
What a privilege it is for us to bring God’s HOPE and light where it is needed! Your monthly contribution will provide the purchase of the Dolly’s stuffing, shipping costs, card stock for the notes, tea, lavender and when we run out of donated fabric, the fabric.
As a visionary, if God so wills it, I can see a place where there are rows of tables, sewing machines, writing stations, tea-packing and shipping. A project that sends HOPE Tea Dolls all over the world. The women working there will be those going through hard times that need a safe, God-centered place to recover and gain strength. What about a tea and lavender farm . . . the dream is endless. Thankful God knows what’s next! All we know for now is the very beginning. It is enough for today!
Here are further ways to contribute:
* Donate cotton fabric (shipping would be at your expense)
* Sew HOPE Tea Dolls (pattern will be given)
* Write cards of HOPE (exact template with size and words will be given and what card stock to use)
* If you would like to be a HOPE Tea Doll Giver (depending on number of dolly’s available at any given time)
If you would like to have us send a HOPE Tea Doll to someone specific:
* Share name and address
* Additional cost of $5.00 per dolly; $10.00 if international
I am so excited to see what God will do, knowing that perhaps we will never truly know how far and meaningful each Dolly’s reach will be.
“Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power, that works within us”. Ephesians 3:20.