Our life stories most certainly impact our lives but don’t dictate how we should live. As adults we choose the good aspects we want to keep,

discard,expand and use. Most often it is a journey before we are be able to do this with ease. It’s not difficult, it just takes commitment, a hunger to grow and be a better person and hard work. We rarely achieve this alone and need wise help and support, all which is readily available. The fabulous part is that it opens your world to extraordinary happiness!


This past weekend at the ‘Teatime Stories’ event, I had my Mother’s favorite china tea set on stage with me. It has much meaning to me, as it is part of my life story. My Mom loved to move and every three years we packed up and moved to a new suburb of town. If we couldn’t move, my Mom creatively switched around all the rooms. One thing that was a constant in my life, was our ritual of having tea – Rooibos tea, a delightful non-caffeinated tea from South Africa.


Teatime became a time of warmth, relaxing, sharing and bonding. As a little girl it made me feel all grown up and as a young woman it transformed me into a lady. The whole experience transferred to my daughters and I loved nothing more than taking Lianro out to tea when she was young. Now I love sharing teatime with my girls at home while we catch up during visits.


My Mother’s tea set also embodies the many stories she told, wrote and that were broadcast on radio. She was a creative, bold and passionate woman. Her love of life, people, fun and travelling often kept her from me. Her restless soul, quick temper & dislike of her life’s work, separated us. I could choose to see what I lacked growing up and smash those cups to smithereens, or, as I’ve done, see the beauty and run with it.


And run I have! Having just had the first of many ‘Teatime Stories’ events this past weekend here in Savannah and now avidly writing the ‘Teatime Stories of Savannah’ book. It is an event and book that presents the 5 Life Changing Challenges complimented by stimulating and inspiring stories of the woman in the community. My life’s work is born by choosing from my story what can facilitate YOU to Be More, Live More, in Your Purpose.


Are you living in your purpose?

Have you let go of what hinders and hurts your success and happiness?

Have you chosen the strengths from your life story to live fully?


Please share your answer below.

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