Thank you for joining me for this powerful Group Coaching Experience to discover Your God-given purpose!
Please email me your address & phone number to so that I can mail you the workbook Identity & Destiny.
(If you do not get it in time – I will email you the first chapter).
You are about to explore your God-given Identity, Destiny and Assignment and
- …discover how God has wired you…your personality style, core values, gifts, talents, blessings and passions – using 25 insightful tools, inventories and assessments.
- …discover how to receive the blessing of knowing all the amazing potential God sees in you.
- …discover and embrace the important truth: “You’re OK just the way God made you …now run with it!”
- …discover how to smooth a path through Fears, Blocks and Limiting Beliefs so you can boldly– without hesitation – step out in the purpose God has for your life.
- …discover how to settle the question of obedience to God’s call on your life and be ready to move forward with confidence and courage.
- …discover how to trust the voice of God – how to prepare, listen and validate what you’re hearing as genuinely from the Lord.
- …discover how to connect, abide and commune with the Lord for greater intimacy and direction.
- …discover new ways to meditate on the Word of God – engage in Listening Prayer and converse through Dialogue Journaling.
- …and much, much more!
Group Coaching Class date:
Tuesday November 5, 2013 7:30pm – 8:30pm EST
Call in number (Which is the same for the duration of the class):
Pin: 928807#
I am so thrilled to walk this journey with you and become your prayer partner as you Live More, Be More, in God’s Purpose for your life!
Emra Smith